Note: “I will never live down buying him that darn pulled pork sandwich!" -Lynn

Julia Lemyre  - Whimsical portraits of forest creatures.

"Lighten Up" watercolor by Julia Lemyre

"Lighten Up" watercolor by Julia Lemyre

Gallery Piquel - Wonderful gallery located in New Hope, PA featuring our work in their collection.

Heidi Winzinger - Fabulous singer/songwriter.  We had the honor of having her use one of our paintings as the cover of her album, Honeysuckle Dream.

Mount Holly Mural Arts Program - Working in a much larger format than usual.  

Artworks Trenton - Great arts center in the heart of the capital of New Jersey.

Art All Night - 24-hour art and entertainment event held in Trenton, NJ. You won't want to miss this!